Thursday, July 23, 2015

Fresh Start to the School Year? Well Maybe Not.


If I  haven't already told you, I have been moving into a new classroom at the same school I have been at for 14 years. School for me starts in a few weeks and it is HOT here in Arizona!  I went to my classroom yesterday (with NO air conditioning) to look at my new room and organize a little bit. OH MY, what did I get myself into?  At the end of the year, I had enough time to physically move my stuff into my new room.  With that said, my new classroom looks like a cyclone hit it. Well I have to start somewhere, so I started with putting student books on the shelves.  This is a good place to start but was quickly ruined when I was emptying my library bin full of books when something CRAWLED over my hand and landed back in the bin.  I screamed needless to say. It is something I can't stand, I don't do spiders, lizards, snakes, etc. but I especially do NOT do scorpions!

These nasty little creatures are something this native Arizona girl will never get used to!  I don't even want to go back to unpack anything else. I envision myself only returning in a bee keeper or hazmat suit to sort through the other boxes full of wonderful surprises! Or perhaps I will just teach outside under a tree and use umbrellas if it rains (haha that was a joke, I live AZ remember). My fellow third grade teacher has told me I am being ridiculous and it was like I found a mouse or something.  I was like ummm bring on the mice - that I can live with. :) .

Anyone else found any nasty creepy crawlies in your classrooms?

Seriously, I am sure I am being ridiculous.


Erin the Scorpion Hunter

Clipart by EduClips

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