Monday, July 13, 2015

The summer is coming to an end!

Hi Everyone,

I am dreading the end of summer but at the same time excited to start a new year.  I have so many things to do and I know that you are thinking the same thing. This is the chatter that is going on inside my head.

What was it again, that great thing I wanted to accomplish this summer?  Oh well I guess I didn't do  it.

Wait, some sort of new lesson plans?

Ok, well I guess I have to really focus on what I need to start the year.

I know that we all have those grand plans of things we wanted to accomplish over the summer but if you are anything like me, it was time for a break and to spend it with family and friends.  I have a two and a four year old that I have been blessed with and have loved spending this whole summer with them.

However, it is now time to get back to business.  I am switching to a new room this year after being in my previous room for 12 years.  It is just one classroom over but the move is throwing me for a loop.  I strive to be a very organized person and hope putting the new room goes to together quickly and smoothly.

For my next few posts I will be discussing some of the things that I love starting the year with.  I am hoping that everyone's summer went well and I just want to say Welcome Back!

-Erin Hansen

                                                    Blue skies ahead :).

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